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“Today’s Heritage reflect who we are, where we have been and what we have experienced in all life’s dimensions. Tomorrow’s heritage is up to us. Embrace it, live it, love it.”

View of the Carenage. 1900.

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‘Proud of my Heritage’ – transmission and safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in Grenada through inventorying and education initiatives – is a national project officially approved and funded by UNESCO to identify, register and promote our Living Heritage around the tri-island of Grenada


Grenada National Trust aim is to protect Grenada’s cultural, architectural and natural heritage, and undertakes various projects to raise awareness and appreciation.

Petroglyph by the Arawaks

Canon 17th century

Glimpse of the Past

Step back into the past…Have you seen these times? What happened back then? Where have we come from?

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